ME 177K, ME 277K, ME 377K. Projects in Nuclear and Radiation Engineering
This course is intended to have students work with individual faculty members in research topics related to nuclear and radiation engineering. Topics may vary from literature searches to computing to experimental design. This course is credited for one, two or three hours for three, six or nine hours a week of research. Prerequisite: any course in the Nuclear or Radiation Engineering option.
ME 336P Concepts in Nuclear and Radiation Engineering
This course is intended to introduce students at all levels and from all disciplines to the many different aspects and applications of nuclear and radiation engineering/physics. Topics covered include: history of nuclear development, basic concepts of radiation and radioactivity, radioactive waste management, global warming and the impact of nuclear power plants, industrial applications, health physics, nuclear medicine, job opportunities at power plants, non-proliferation, nuclear security, discussion of opportunities for graduate schools at national laboratories. This course is credited for three hours. Prerequisite: sophomore level or above in any university discipline in engineering or science.
ME 337C Introduction to Nuclear Power Systems
Radioactivity, nuclear interactions- fission and fusion, fission reactors, nuclear power systems, nuclear power safety. Prerequisite: For engineering majors, Physics 303L and 103N with a grade of at least C in each and admission to an appropriate major sequence in engineering; for nonengineering majors, upper-division standing and written consent of instructor.
ME 337F Nuclear Environmental Protection
Course is designed to provide fundamental understanding of ionizing radiation and its interactions with matter and living tissues, radioactive decay kinetics, external and internal dose measurement, transportation thorough the environment, managing radioactive waste streams, and safeguards. Perquisite: For engineering majors, Physics 303L and 103N with a grade of at least C in each and admission to an appropriate major sequence in engineering; for non-engineering majors, upper division standing.
ME 337G Nuclear Safety and Security
Evaluation of proliferation risk of the facilities within the nuclear fuel cycle. Methods are developed and utilized to calculate the criticality conditions for a nuclear assembly. Parent/daughter decay equations are developed and utilized. Forensics evaluations are conducted for different nuclear sources. Perquisite: For engineering majors, Physics 303L and 103N with a grade of at least C in each and admission to an appropriate major sequence in engineering; for non-engineering majors, upper division standing.
ME 361E Nuclear Operations and Reactor Engineering
Fundamental principles of the design and analysis of nuclear systems; introduction to the physics of nuclear reactions, chain reactions, and nuclear energy generation; heat generation and conduction within nuclear systems; heat transfer and fluid flow in nuclear systems; the thermodynamics of nuclear power; the nuclear fuel cycle; and issues related to the materials aspect of reactor engineering. Prerequisites: For engineering majors ME 326 with a grade of at least C, credit with a grade of at least C or registration for ME 339, and admission to an appropriate major sequence in Engineering; for nonengineering major, upper-division standing and written consent of instructor.
ME 361F Radiation and Radiation Protection Laboratory
An introduction to the application of radiation and radiation protection instrumentation. One hour lecture per week and one three hour laboratory. Lecture and laboratory topics include personnel monitoring; radiation detection systems; gamma-ray spectroscopy; determination of environmental radiation; counting statistics; gamma and neutron shielding; and air sampling. Prerequisite: For engineering majors, Physics 303L and 103N with a grade of at least C in each and admission to an appropriate major sequence in engineering; for nonengineering majors, upper division standing and written consent of
instructor. One lecture hour and three laboratory hours a week.